Thursday, July 03, 2008

I am going public...:(

So on a more serious least more serious than my blogs, let alone my life, usually are.

Around last Octoberish, I discovered I had some "lovely lady lumps."

Translation: I have a couple lumps in my right breast. Really I had just felt one, one night while I was laying in bed. I panicked because it wasn't one of those, is this a lump or it kinda feels like something there. It was a "oh holy crap, there isa lump in there." no questions asked.

So I made an appointment the very next day to see my "lady doctor" about my concern. And sure enough, she said, yes there is a lump. That is about all she told me. So then it was off to a specialist, yes a "brest specialist" to see about my lovely lady lumps!

The did an ultrasound, yes an ultrasound, and found that there was not one, but TWO lovely lady lumps in my right girl. I wanted a picture like you get when your pregnant, but no such luck. So then the doctor came in, not to be confused with the ultrasound technician. and let me know that they were going to have to take a biopsy of the mass.

So I had to schedule my out-patient procedure and go get a sample taken out of the lumps to test to make sure it was benign. So that day came and I went (by myself) during the work day (try explaining these appointments to your man boss) ha! Basically they took a huge needle, the size of a straw and "sucked" out some tissue from the mass to run tests on.

So a couple days later, I recieved the news, good news, the lumps are simply put "fibre abernorma" which in translation means Abnormal Fiber of course. However the lumps don't go away, they remain there indefinitely. Which is a bit weird, not going to lie.

So that all took about a month or so. I didn't let my family or friends know until after I found out it was need to stress people out, but the purpose of me bringing it up at this point is that I have decided to have the lumps removed. The one large one that I can actualy is rather annoying and I feel it almost daily. So with recommendations from my "lady doctor" I found a lady lump removal doctor (that is the technical name of course) and I have an appointment on the 17th of this month.

It is only a consoltation, but I will then make an appointment after that to have them removed. Yea...freedom, that way 18 years down the road when I feel a lump, I won't be like " oh that is the same one I had years ago" when in reality it is a new one that isn't so normal, or abnormal, whichever way you want to look at it.

But anyways, I thought I would go public because come to find out this is more common then not, and if the few people/ladies that read this understand that it isn't really a big deal and it usually turns out all right, then that is great.

So i will keep you updated. Also I am thinking about asking the doctor to take a little more out then need be....ha. If you know me at all, then you understand!

Happy 4th!


Blogger Nicole said...

Allie - this is so concerning, but I'm glad your new 'friends' are harmless. I think you are smart to remove them. And if getting a little extra out of there helps you out - I say go for it. Good luck!

7:19 PM  
Blogger mack said...

Well that sounds like a good plan! Definitely sounds important for future purposes... let me know when you set the date and we will shower you with flowers and presents!

11:34 AM  

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